Journey Companions Ministries
Journey Companions exists to help develop communities of grace that care for the souls of others, which results in spiritual deepening led by the Holy Spirit.
The evidence of this is men and women who are being transformed and are intent on building missional communities that reflect Christ’s love to lost people. (Acts 2:42)
We see ourselves as companions along the journey toward transformational, missional communities and deeper, more personal individual relationships with Jesus.
We come alongside people in existing relationships, whether churches or community groups, leadership teams or families, to offer training in Soul Care and doing the “one anothering” of the Bible. We as a team have tasted what it means to be in authentic, gospel rich community, and we want to share that taste with others.
Journey Companions Ministries
#043 From Grief to Joy: John Cepin’s Poignant Farewell to Patti
In this episode of the JCM podcast, we share John Cepin's heartfelt eulogy for his beloved wife, Patti Cepin, who went to be with the Lord on New Year’s Day, 2025. His words are passionate, deeply theological, and profoundly personal, carrying a blend of joy and sorrow. If you knew Patti, this brief but moving episode will uplift your spirit and leave you inspired.
2. Justgive
welcome to journey companions ministries
Developing communities of grace that care for the souls of others.
Journey Companions exists to help develop communities of grace that care for the souls of others, which results in spiritual deepening led by the Holy Spirit.
The evidence of this is men and women who are being transformed and are intent on building missional communities that reflect Christ’s love to lost people. (Acts 2:42)
We see ourselves as companions along the journey toward transformational, missional communities and deeper, more personal individual relationships with Jesus.
We come alongside people in existing relationships, whether churches or community groups, leadership teams or families, to offer training in Soul Care and doing the “one anothering” of the Bible. We as a team have tasted what it means to be in authentic, gospel rich community, and we want to share that taste with others.
Journey Companions Ministries
Learning to Love the Master Book